上海硅酸盐研究所百人计划、湖北省“楚天学者”,获得中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖。在Science、Journal of the American Chemical Society、ACS Nano、Physical Review Materials、Physical Review B等知名学术期刊发表论文90余篇,其中第一作者与通讯作者或共同通讯作者60余篇。总引用次数超过2900 次。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目等三项国家级课题,并作为主要合作者参与国家自然科学基金重点项目。获中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖。
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1. 矿物材料的新型加工处理
2. 基于新型无机材料的矿物质吸附分离
1. Zhao, Q.; Darriet, J.; Whangbo, M.-H.; Ye, L.; Stackhouse, C.; zur Loye, H.-C. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Intriguing interconnections among phase transition, magnetic moment, and valence disproportionation in 2H-Perovskite related oxides. 2011, 133, 20981-20994.
2. Dang, Y.; Wang, G.; Su, G.; Lu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Liu, T.; Pu, X.; Wang, X.; Wu, C.; Song, C.; Zhao, Q.*; Rao, H*.; Sun, M.* ACS Nano, Rational construction of a Ni/CoMoO4 heterostructure with strong Ni–O–Co bonds for improving multifunctional nanozyme activity. 2022, 16, 4536-4550.
3. Kim, Y. K.; Krupin, O.; Denlinger, J.; Bostwick, A.; Rotenberg, E.; Zhao, Q.; Mitchell, J.; Allen, J.; Kim, B. J. Science, Fermi arcs in a doped pseudospin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet. 2014, 345, 187-190.
4. Yang, S.; Wu, Y.; Yue, F.; Qi, R.; Jiang, B.; Wu, J.; Shen, Y.; Duan, C.; Shan, Y.; Zhao, Q.* Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, MGa2B2O7: Bi3+, Al3+(M= Sr, Ba) blue phosphors with a quantum yield of 99% and negative thermal quenching. 2021, 8, 4257-4266.
5. Yang, S.; Jiang, B.; Wu, J.; Duan, C.; Shan, Y.; Zhao, Q.* Journal of Materials Chemistry C., LaMoBO6: Tb3+, Eu3+/Sm 3+, Bi3+ yellow phosphors with exceptionally high quantum yields that can be excited by blue light. 2021, 9, 7065-7073.
6. Yu, B.; Shen, Y.; Yang, S.; Xu, D.; Lin, J.; Sun, L.; Tian, B.; Zhu, Q.; Duan, C*.; Zhao, Q*. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Preparation and multiferroicity of a novel two-dimensional material NiH2SeO4. 2020, 8, 14812-14818.
7. Zhao, Q.; Nellutla, S.; Son, W.-J.; Vaughn, S. A.; Ye, L.; Smith, M. D.; Caignaert, V.; Lufaso, M.; Pekarek, T. M.; Smirnov, A. Inorganic Chemistry, Ba4KFe3O9: a novel ferrite containing discrete 6-membered rings of corner-sharing FeO4 tetrahedra. 2011, 50, 10310-10318.
8. Lu, Z.; Li, Y.; Liu, T.; Wang, G.; Sun, M.; Jiang, Y.; He, H.; Wang, Y.; Zou, P.; Wang, X. Zhao, Q.*; Rao, H.* Chemical Engineering Journal, A dual-template imprinted polymer electrochemical sensor based on AuNPs and nitrogen-doped graphene oxide quantum dots coated on NiS2/biomass carbon for simultaneous determination of dopamine and chlorpromazine. 2020, 389, 124417.
9. Cheng, J.; Li, Y.; Zhong, J.; Lu, Z.; Wang, G.; Sun, M.; Jiang, Y.; Zou, P.; Wang, X.; Zhao, Q.* Rao, H.* Chemical Engineering Journal, Molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor based on biomass carbon decorated with MOF-derived Cr2O3 and silver nanoparticles for selective and sensitive detection of nitrofurazone. 2020, 398, 125664.
10. Wang, Y.; Yao, L.; Liu, X.; Cheng, J.; Liu, W.; Liu, T.; Sun, M.; Zhao, L.; Ding, F.; Lu, Z.; Zou, P.; Wang, X.; Zhao, Q.*, Rao, H.* Biosensors and Bioelectronics, CuCo2O4/N-Doped CNTs loaded with molecularly imprinted polymer for electrochemical sensor: Preparation, characterization and detection of metronidazole. 2019, 142, 111483.